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Centaurea jacea - Organic perennial

The knotweed (Centaurea jacea) is a herbaceous plant of the composite family (Compositae or Asteraceae). A synonym is Centaurea thuillieri.

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product pro icon Organic & indigenous plant!
product pro icon Large pot size (P12.5 or P11) = full of life = extra strong!

Product description

The knotweed (Centaurea jacea) is a herbaceous plant of the composite family (Compositae or Asteraceae). A synonym is Centaurea thuillieri.

In the Netherlands (with the exception of Drenthe) and Flanders, it is a common plant of roadsides and other rough places.

The perennial plant grows to a height of 30-70 cm. The upper leaves are undivided and alternate along the stem. The lower leaves are usually curved to feathery.

The flower heads are 2-4 cm wide. They consist of pink to reddish purple tubular flowers. The outer flowers are enlarged and sterile. They look like ribbon flowers because they are enlarged and stand to one side. The spinous leaves in the upper half have a separate, prickly appendage. The flowering period is from June to autumn.
The species grows on fairly moist, moderately nutrient-rich soil. It is often found in verges and other more or less grassy areas. The species has a preference for loamy soil. Its range covers Eurasia, with an emphasis on the temperate and southern regions. (Source: wikipedia)


Condition: Nieuw

EAN: 8720211762376

Product specification

Edible ?


Flowering months

June June
July July
August August

Planten algemeen

Type Pot 12 cm
Native plant
Adult height 0.3 - 0.7 m
Evergreen No
Winter Hardy
Flowering plant
Blooming Spring
Flower colour Pink
leaf color Green
Planting period The whole year
Growth rate Average
Type of soil Flexibel
Resistant to salty sea air
Planting distance per meter/m² 3/m - 9/m²
Habitat Sun-penumbra
10% pick-up discount on this product! (* on pick-up at the nursery, not cumutable)


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Centaurea jacea - Organic perennial
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